Alice Janne
“Alice Janne, archeologist from the present.” Alice Janne gets her artistic inspiration from scaling into a bigger size the original dimensions and colors of small objects and pieces of paper she finds in the streets.

Arnaud Gerniers
“Arnaud Gerniers’ art is an empty pleasure.” Arnaud Gerniers’ work gives you the opportunity to use your own eyes and your own mind to discover an unknown dimension.

David De Tscharner
“The travel is more important than the destination.” Every work David creates is left open to interpretation, without description or meaningful title.

Dominique Romeyer
“De- and re-constructing an Ode to Modernism”. Dominique examines the underlying values implied by hegemonic applications of geometry in a de-constructivist Ode to Modernism that is equal parts critique and homage.

Dominique Théâte
With a body dislocated by a fragmented existence, Dominique Théâte’s drawings represent a delicate balance between dreams and reality. His work is filled with symbols of financial and social success in a hyperbolic perfection.

Els Opsomer
Els Opsomer’s work is a reflection on how individuals deal with the complexity of life in an industrialized environment. Meaning is not centered on the image itself, but rather the transitory impressions and personal memories it reveals.

Francois Marcadon
“Pink is beautiful.” The drawings of François Marcadon are filled with symbols and mythology as a reflection on our most intimate desires.

Godelieve Vandamme
Whatever the landscape is, Godelieve is constantly looking for its hidden structure and uses any relevant medium such as painting, etching, photography, drawing and sculpture for her purpose.

Kurt Ryslavy
By analyzing and criticizing continuously the social norms and economic values that regulate the art market and art business the work of Kurt Ryslavy gives proof of an original artistic view.

Laurent Dumortier
“Drawing is a place which retraces encounters, past memories and present gestures”. Laurent Dumortier’s artistic work comes to life around the figurative drawing where memories of a place mingle with the gestures of the present.

Lucie Lanzini
Taking forms from real life, Lucie Lanzini’s works reveal a reality hidden behind the appearance of things. Her work of molding and sculpting offers her an exceptional playground to disturb our perception.

Marta Dal Sasso
The body is the magnet and the rest revolves around it. The artistic research of Marta Dal Sasso is based on the self-perception of her own (painting) body and its exchanges to the surrounding world.

Michel Couturier
In his work, Michel Couturier addresses the social reality of the suburbs and the ethnic-cultural tensions. For the viewer the result is a mixture of reality and fiction.

Michel Liénard
According to Michel Liénard, “the act of painting is not primarily an intellectual process but is part of desire.” What guides him during all these years of creation, is the love of art that his relatives have passed on to him.

Nathalie Ledoux
“Nathalie Ledoux paints a contemporary poetics”. Nathalie Ledoux revisits impressionist and romantic themes with the contemporary tools of abstraction and the aesthetics of digital technology and pop art culture.

Peter Odekerken
“The raw atmosphere of nature and architecture.” With his camera, Peter brings the beauty of the outside world inside. Challenging, playful and surreal.

Robert Suermondt
As divided subjects that we are, the call for images offers a promise of unity. The work of Robert Suermondt challenges this identification by inserting in that move a gap in terms of what stands at first glance as a squared totality.

Simon Van Parys
Simon Van Parys invites you to go on a space journey of discovery of his work. A new world somewhere in the future inhabited by alien machines: art seen through the lens of science fiction.

Tom Woestenborghs
“In many ways I can’t deny being partially responsible.” Tom Woestenborghs’ light box collages and digital prints offer a profound reflection on life.

William Lasdun
William’s work uses light and shadow, rhythm and interval, straight lines and curving forms, to explore the encounter between the human and the natural.

Yuri Andries
The photos of Yuri Andries express a tranquil aesthetic and a search for tranquility. His pictures float between dream and reality, between reality that is not truth and fiction that is not a lie.