About Arnaud Gerniers

Arnaud Gerniers (°1974, Belgian, based in Brussels, BE) is a modern light catcher, who began his artistic career drawing. Having studied drawing and computer graphics at respectively La Cambre and St-Luc, Brussels, BE, he soon redirected his attention from drawing to installations, photography and … light. Arnaud Gerniers is not a professional photographer, but an artist who has traveled the world to shoot in cold, wintery landscapes with the only purpose to catch that elusive natural phenomenon that the impressionists painted obsessively over and over again: light. Arnaud Gerniers work is not simply about light, or a record of light; it is light— the physical presence of light made visible in a sensory form. Since 2003, Arnaud has participated in numerous exhibitions in Belgium and other countries all over the world (USA, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland and France) either solo or in group shows.