According to the National Museum of Women in the Arts, 51 per cent of visual artists today are women. But when it comes to exhibitions and gallery representation, the numbers tell a less optimistic story.
“Considering women take up half of the population, it’s still shocking to see that we are still so underrepresented in the art industry, well, most industries for that matter.”
And beyond the statistics, women artists and curators face unique challenges, from the subjects they bring to light to the work they choose to present.
So what can we do to more fairly represent women in the arts? Should we strive for an equal split of men and women artists? Do we rewrite the history books? Or is some other way?
On Allegrarte, 14 contemporary artists are women. The gap has narrowed in more recent years and focused efforts are being made to collect work by women artists. But this is only a start. The next step is to bring more and more diverse voices on our website, to seek out women doing challenging and innovative work and those who were neglected by history, and to work torwards greater representation of diverse, non-European women.
We also work with 3 woman curators, our three curators have been selected on the basis of their thorough knowledge of contemporary art, their critical eye and their professional insight. All of our curators have at least 25 years experience in contemporary art as: organizer of art exhibitions, regular member of art juries, advisor to official cultural & art institutions, expert in the selection of fine art for museums or private collections, writer or art critic. They are the drive behind our platform for both artists and art lovers worldwide: promoting talented artists by selecting their finest works of art.
This month, we celebrate women in art with a newsletter campaign and on our social media. Can you name five women artists? Join the conversation on social media, and do your part in bringing the stories of women artists to light.